sexta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2009

Era uma vez "o rádioamadorismo"

Parece que a "CBização" do nosso hobby não ocorre apenas cá pelo burgo. Após ter lido um texto escrito pelo M0PZT, um jovem de 28 anos, no blog dele, fiquei consciente de que é um fenómeno em expansão (consequências CEPT?):

[Extraído de]

11th August 2009 : A Once Great Hobby

It's a sad thing when I tune around the 2m FM frequencies (and some 70cm ones) and hear foul language, bickering and constant jamming of repeaters (or other people's QSOs). When the Foundation licence was introduced, many thought that it was the beginning of the end as far as Amateur Radio as a technical pursuit went. True, it's a still a hobby but the UK has historically embraced snobbery and class as part of everyday life - so with a 3-tiered licensing system it would seem likely that those with a more advanced licence would look down on those starting on the bottom rung.

...and you didn't disappoint!

My location (30 miles outside of London) probably doesn't help - in the last year, a repeater has been turned-off due to abuse, only to be re-activated and then promptly subjected to a 6pm-6am curfew due to (once again) the same few causing problems. This, to me, suggests that OFCOM (and the ETCC) are either un-able/un-willing to go and confront those responsible - it's common knowledge who the regular offenders are. Sadly, those in charge are content with switching-off the repeaters and not actually confronting the source (ie: the idiots causing the problems). By "confronting", I am not suggesting a visit from "the heavy mob" (although it is often mentioned over the airwaves) but perhaps an official "warning" visit (or 2) and then on the 3rd occasion, enforcement action is taken.

2m FM in the Essex/London/Kent areas has become a playground for ex-CB'ers who, sadly, have not the brain-power to realise that a different standard of operating and etiquette is called for on the amateur bands. Any reasonably well-intentioned and articulated challenge of these "wallies" usually results in a stream of verbal abuse and threats. So - should one just not bother with 2m FM and stick to SSB where the "gentlemen" are to be found ? Oh no, there are simians all over the place. 80m+20m especially but at least most of those are in another country and hardly likely to make threats against you or visit your QTH with a box of drawing pins ;)

With views such as this, you may wonder why I bother maintaining this site, writing various blog articles and developing new software - the truth is, that I do it for me. Nobody else. I'm sorry if that's come as a selfish revelation - but I find it quite therapeutic and, after all, it's certainly cheaper than paying somebody money to listen to all my problems!

*ducks for cover*

Posted by M0PZT @ 11th August 2009 | Tags: cb , hobby , rant , soapbox

O engraçado é que ele resume quase tudo isto numa única frase, no seu twitter:
...thinks that 2m is now an official extension of 11m.

Convém ter em atenção que o mal não está na CB mas sim no actual (já não é de hoje) estereótipo de utente deste serviço. A CB teve e tem as suas virtudes e é um serviço deveras interessante.

Já agora um link engraçado para rádios antigos de CB:

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